
Fire Collar/Stopping

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A fire collar stopping system is passive fire protection, maintaining the integrity of your building’s fire resistance where services penetrate walls and floors.

Any service that penetrates walls and floors, such as cables, ducts and pipework, can spread smoke and fire through a building in the event of a fire, so it’s important these penetrations are fitted with a firestop system to make walls and floors fireproof.

Not having suitable fire collars on these penetrations will reduce the fire rating of your business premises. You must have fire collars to be installed by a qualified professional, otherwise the building may not be classed as being fire safe. This would invalidate your insurance.

We’re the experts when it comes to making your building compliant and safe, so talk to us if you have any doubts about the fire resistance of your building. We are certified to issue BWOFs and can identify any fire stopping or collaring issues and get them fixed.

HSM are Ryanfire Passive fire product certified.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us.

0800 548 347

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